Online gambling, online betting is a lot of fun, probably everyone can attest to that. But why is that? What is  online gambling? What’s the fun factor? What do they do that makes it not necessarily about winning? Because even people who make losses in gambling can accept them. They still continue to play with fun. The fact is, betting has fascinated almost everyone since earlier times when mankind was not that civilized.

Competition is sometimes even evolutionary

Even in early human history, a competition was not just fun or warlike arguments. Sometimes it was about a higher social position, about who is the leader or who gets to procreate. It used to be done with fists or a club. Today money is mostly what people gamble with. It is no longer about social power but about who can acquire status symbols. If you win a lot of money in a bet, you can use it to buy your sought-after car or house.

Even children like to bet

The inner desire to compete is so rooted deeply in people that even kids place their first bets. “Bet you can never run as fast as me?” is a typical childhood bet. If the other wins, he also gains prestige and can triumph. Kids aren’t about money, but they’re not all about having fun either. It’s about performance.

Success makes you happy

Success causes great feelings in the human body. The body releases happiness hormones when someone has achieved something. In addition, hormones come into play in the case of gambling and sports betting. Whoever wins not only has the financial advantages. There is a good feeling of being right when betting. The human brain craves such moments of success. These are remnants of a system that nature has devised. This motivates the supposedly stronger to assert themselves.

Many also experience moments of happiness at work, when goals are achieved. Lots of small goals add up over time. But the body doesn’t release the endorphins as much here. For that, a bigger goal has to be achieved. In the case of extraordinary successes, such as a promotion or a big contract, happiness hormones are also released.